Applications of Auto-Authentication using Smart Contracts

Technology has brought changes in lives, which were unimaginable in the past. One such technological advancement that has created quite a stir in the market has been the blockchain smart contracts development.
For those of you who still don’t have any idea about Smart Contract, let us share the basic definition of this technology –
A smart contract is nothing else but a computer code, which is run on blockchain tech. It contains a basic set of rules, which when met allows the transaction to take place automatically without any approval or interference of any sort. The ease with which a transaction can be carried out using smart contract development services makes it the simplest and one of the most rapidly popularizing forms of decentralized automation technology.
Now, you might wonder where we can use these smart contracts? To answer your question, we are going to share some of the most common applications of smart contract development that have surfaced in the market –
Applications of Smart Contract Development
1. Smart Contracts in IoT
From tracking individual device history to data exchanges in a ledger across various devices, Smart Contracts based on blockchain technology services could play a vital role in the future of IoT.
For instance, Electronic Couriers are one of the simplest applications of this technology in IoT. Smart contracts could be the best and the safest way to transfer information which is sensitive to the right individuals.
One of the names that are popping up in the scene for bringing Smart Contracts and IoT together has been Chimera Inc. using this technology to link home networks and the electrical devices in it to the cloud.
2. Smart Contracts in Voting
Another potential application of smart contract development could be in developing more secure voting systems.
The biggest problem with a current lot of voting machines is that they are centralized in terms of design. Because the code base is under control of a single supplier. This makes them vulnerable to threats and tampering.
However, with electronic machines based on the blockchain technology solutions and smart contracts, voters can be sure to have a decentralized, secure transaction database which is completely secure from the threats posed to these centralized systems.
3. Smart Contracts in Peer-to-Peer Transactions
As already stated, the biggest benefit of smart contracts is that they eliminate the middlemen, and hence, the biggest application of this technology has come from the peer-to-peer transactions.
Removing the scope for any middlemen, blockchain smart contracts development make transactions cheaper. And therefore, boost the spending power of the person doing the transaction. Today, there are plenty of startups trying to leverage the power of smart contracts in the peer-to-peer market. These include names such as BTC Jam, Circle, and Bitbond to name a few.
4. Smart Contracts in Transport
Similarly, another great application of smart contracts has come in the transport field. By maximizing the infra that already exists, smart contracts have come as the best solution for affordable transportation. It doesn't create new resources or build new infrastructure. It rather focuses on allowing people to make more efficient use of existing resources.
One such example of this is the rise of activities like real-time sharing of rides. Eliminating the middlemen in such transactions and creating decentralized platforms, blockchain smart contracts have emerged as the future of transport systems!
5. Smart Contracts in Gaming
With the rise of virtual currency and smart contracts, the online gaming community has been the biggest benefactor
As a safer alternative to transactions for online gaming and gambling alike, it has emerged as the most popular alternative to already existing transaction options like online books and more. Satoshi dice, DeckBound, Augur and many more names have popped up in the market since then, and these are growing in popularity with every passing day.
Apart from these major niches, smart contracts hold great potential in various other industries as well. These include Digital Security Trading, Medical Goods Authentication, Data Storage, Energy Distribution and many more. Only future will tell though how we manage to push the technological barriers using blockchain technology solutions and smart contracts to build a better future for humanity!
We are the best blockchain smart contract developer in India!
Are you looking for a reliable partner to help you with blockchain smart contracts development? If yes, then Signity Solutions is just the best pick for you as a smart contract development company. Drop us an email at and our IT outsourcing services team will get back to you.