Open Source Support in Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

explores the advantages of open-source support in robotic process automation (RPA), emphasizing cost savings, flexibility, transparency, and community collaboration. It introduces OpenRPA as a user-friendly, versatile tool, shaping efficient automation solutions.

Open Source Support in RPA

Robotic process automation has emerged as a game-changing technology for organizations. They are looking to streamline their operations, reduce human intervention in repetitive tasks, and achieve higher efficiency. While many RPA solutions are proprietary, there is a growing trend of embracing open-source support within the RPA ecosystem.

Understanding Open Source Support in RPA

Open-source support in RPA refers to the utilization of open-source software, libraries, and tools in the development, deployment, and maintenance of automation solutions. It involves a strategic blend of open-source components with proprietary RPA platforms, creating a more flexible, cost-effective, and customizable approach to automation. Open-source RPA tools, libraries, and technologies offer several advantages to organizations, including cost savings, flexibility, transparency, and a vibrant community.

Let's delve deeper into each of these benefits:

1. Cost Savings

The cost factor is one of the most compelling reasons organizations turn to open-source RPA solutions. Unlike proprietary RPA platforms, open-source software is typically free to use, which significantly reduces the upfront expenses associated with automation initiatives. This cost-effectiveness extends to both the acquisition of software and the associated licensing fees.

Moreover, the absence of licensing costs allows organizations to allocate their budget resources more efficiently. They can invest in developing custom automation solutions that precisely fit their needs rather than overcommitting to expensive proprietary tools. This financial freedom is especially appealing to smaller businesses and startups looking to leverage RPA without breaking the bank.

2. Flexibility and Customization

Open-source RPA tools provide organizations with a high degree of flexibility. They can be tailored and extended to suit specific requirements and workflows. This adaptability is invaluable in an ever-evolving business environment, where the ability to customize automation processes can be a significant competitive advantage.

Organizations can modify the open source code to add functionalities, integrate with various systems and data sources, or create entirely new automation modules. This level of customization empowers RPA developers to address unique challenges and business processes effectively.

3. Transparency and Security

Open-source software is known for its transparency. Since the source code is openly accessible, organizations can scrutinize it to ensure security and compliance. This transparency is crucial, especially when dealing with sensitive data and mission-critical processes.

With proprietary RPA solutions, there is often a degree of opacity regarding how the software operates, potentially posing security risks. In contrast, open-source RPA tools allow organizations to have greater control over their automation's security aspects. Security-conscious organizations can perform code audits, identify vulnerabilities, and implement necessary safeguards, ensuring a high level of data protection.

4. Community Collaboration

Open-source projects thrive on collaboration and community involvement. Many open-source RPA tools have vibrant communities of developers and users who actively contribute to the improvement and growth of the software. This collective expertise can be a valuable resource for organizations adopting open-source RPA.

The community provides support through forums, documentation, and a plethora of online resources. Users can seek help, share experiences, and access a wealth of knowledge that might not be available with proprietary RPA platforms. This collective intelligence can help organizations navigate challenges and stay up to date with the latest developments in the RPA field.

5. Integration with Open Source Technologies

In the RPA landscape, automation often requires interaction with various systems, databases, and web applications. Open-source libraries and technologies play a vital role in facilitating these integrations.

The availability of these open-source technologies allows organizations to build robust automation processes that are well-integrated with their existing technology stack.

Challenges and Considerations

While open-source support in RPA offers numerous advantages, it's not without its challenges and considerations:

Community Support

While open-source communities can be invaluable, the level of support can vary. Some projects have highly active communities, while others may be less responsive. Organizations should assess the level of community support before committing to open-source RPA tools.


Open-source tools may require more hands-on maintenance and updates. Organizations must stay informed about new releases, security patches, and updates to ensure the reliability of their RPA solutions.

Vendor Lock-In

Some open-source tools may be less user-friendly than proprietary options, potentially leading to a degree of "vendor lock-in" as organizations invest significant time and resources in customizing open-source solutions.

OpenRPA: An Open Source RPA Solution

One noteworthy open-source RPA tool that is gaining recognition in the automation community is OpenRPA. OpenRPA is an open-source robotic process automation platform designed to simplify automation development and deployment. With its user-friendly interface and support for a wide range of applications,openRPA offers a compelling solution for organizations looking to harness the power of open-source RPA. OpenRPA comes with the following features:

User-Friendly Design

OpenRPA provides a visual development environment that allows users to create automation scripts without extensive coding knowledge. This user-friendliness makes it accessible to a broader audience, including non-developers.

Extensive Application Support

OpenRPA can automate tasks in various applications, including desktop, web, and terminal applications. This versatility ensures that it can handle a wide array of automation requirements.

Scripting and Coding

For users with coding skills,openRPA supports scripting languages, allowing for more advanced and customized automation scripts.

Community and Support

OpenRPA has an active community of users and developers who contribute to its growth and offer to users facing challenges.

By incorporating OpenRPA into their RPA strategy, organizations can take advantage of Open Source support while benefiting from the unique features and capabilities of this tool.


Open-source support in the field of RPA is becoming increasingly significant as organizations seek cost-effective, flexible, and transparent solutions for automating their processes. The integration of open-source components, libraries, and tools with proprietary RPA platforms offers the best of both worlds: the stability and support of established RPA solutions and the freedom to customize and adapt automation processes to specific needs.

As organizations increasingly integrate RPA into their digital transformation strategies, open-source support, along with RPA consulting services, becomes crucial. Open-source solutions empower organizations to tackle technical challenges, save costs, and promote collaboration, leveraging the collective expertise of the community for RPA's growth and maturation.

To leverage open source support effectively, organizations must weigh the benefits against the challenges and align their automation strategy with their technical capabilities and objectives. As RPA continues to evolve, open-source support promises to be an invaluable asset in the pursuit of efficient, agile, and cost-effective automation solutions.

