CRM and 3rd Party Integrations: What’s so crucial as well as challenging about it?

The efficiency and usability of business solutions can be enhanced considerably through the integration of multiple systems and applications both on-cloud and on-premise. The integrative features provide several benefits to the business in terms of improving the quality of information delivered to managers and workforce. Software applications that allow third party integrations provide their customers with more dynamic and scalable systems that fill crucial gaps in information and data analytics services. However, achieving effective third party integrations can be riddled with challenges and firms need expert assistance in resolving these integration issues.
Before we move on to the challenges of integrations let us explore the relevance of third party integrations and its related business value for CRM apps in more detail.
What’s so crucial about CRM and 3rd Party Integrations?
Third party applications provide proven solutions that can be effectively used by various host applications to deliver accurate insights into how your business is performing. In times when organizations seek instant solutions within a limited budget to provide more efficient outcomes, system integrations become a necessity. Since the key focus of CRM applications is on improving customer interactions with the business, integration with several 3rd party applications that include legacy systems, sales and accounting software and various social media apps prove as effective means of enhancing the predictive capabilities of the CRM tools.
Here are a few pointers on the benefits of integrating your CRM with third party apps:
1. Supplement existing functionalities and features-
Third party applications extend the usability of CRM through various add-on features that supplement the existing scope and functionality of the tool. It is very difficult to find a single interface that caters to varied business requirements. Integrations fill the gaps in performance of apps through their ability to connect and collaborate with different interfaces and functions.
2. Improve analytical capabilities of your CRM tool –
Integration with third party apps provides the CRM with access to wide range of information and data that improve the analytical capabilities of the tool. The third party apps hence increase the dynamic capabilities of the CRM and provide the business with a scalable platform that can be effectively used to improve their understanding of customer behaviour.
3. Plug and play multiple sources of customer information to tap vital leads -
What is interesting about these third party integrations is its ability to plug and play various sources of information to explore customer actions and develop collaborative networks. Your business can now do a better job of analysing customer related data and identifying key indicators that define the customer behaviour at various points of touch. You minimize the chances of missing a vital leads and the gaps that eat into business revenues. The end results are visible in terms of delivering value added services to your customers and improved rates of repeat sales.
What’s so challenging about CRM and 3rd Party Integrations?
Third party integrations raise several issues that can impact the quality of data and its relevance in terms of fulfilling client needs. These include:
1. Ineffective customization features -
Among the several concerns influencing the integration benefits of third party apps, limitations in customizing various features of the external app assume vital significance. Customizing external data and information flow to suit your CRM needs is a potential issue facing the efficacy of third party integrations. Firms often find it difficult to define the flow of information in tune to their data processing requirements.
2. Data integrity and data encryption concerns -
Data integrity and relevance to business context is yet another issue facing firms using third party integration tools. How do you ensure that the data flowing in from these third party apps are complete and relevant to your business requirements? How do you overcome data encryption barriers while using these third party apps?
3. Changes in API of third party apps can impact your CRM performance -
Moreover, any changes in the external party’s API (application programming interface) can have a significant impact on your CRM capabilities. Any changes in technological or functional features of the third party app can also affect integration capabilities and its implications will be reflected on your CRM’s performance.
So, how do you overcome these challenges and ensure the benefits of third party integrations through your CRM?
Third party integrations empower your CRM in several ways that impact its performance, productivity and efficiency. All you need is expert assistance in harnessing the true potentials of the third party apps to ensure efficient outcomes.
Just drop us a line at to get expert assistance in deploying, integrating or optimizing CRM solutions customized to meet your unique business requirements.