10 Reasons Why You Should Choose HubSpot CMS for Your Business

HubSpot CMS is an all-in-one solution for businesses, offering benefits like extensive marketplace integrations, zero-code customizability, engaging user interface, easy segmentation, source tracking, trusted support, personalized structure, automated tasks, and enhanced social media marketing. It streamlines digital marketing efforts and drives business success.

 10 Reasons Why You Should Choose HubSpot CMS for Your Business

Because one reason is not enough! 

With 2023 around the corner, brands like yours are hunkering down and rewriting their strategy for the upcoming year ahead. 


Because conventional marketing strategies are not reaping fruits, and inbound methodology is ruling the roost. 

In a market awash with inbound software, more and more businesses and companies are going the Hubspot way. Moreover, with buyers taking control, it's more important than ever to align your content with their interests. 


You need a website that ropes people towards your business and helps you ride the tide of the inbound methodology to generate leads and win sales.

After all, with Hubspot marketing, you can create compelling content and deliver it to the right audience at the right time, ensuring high-quality leads and customer conversion.   

Still, if Hubspot hasn’t piqued you yet, it certainly will NOW! Here, we have uncovered everything you should know about inbound marketing, followed by the top 10 reasons why your business should use Hubspot. 

But, before delving into the details, it’s important to define whether HubSpot is a CRM or CMS? What actually is HubSpot? 

What is HubSpot?   

Well… this question is a tough nut to crack. And no one-word answer would do any justice to it!

So, what actually defines HubSpot?

HubSpot is an all-in-one CRM platform your business needs for lead generation or nurturing, marketing automation or sales, addressing feedback and gratifying clients with phone systems, building websites and blogs, or, most importantly, building relationships with clients.

In layman’s terms - “HubSpot” offers a comprehensive array of software that includes everything from a CRM, a Marketing Hub, a CMS Hub, a Service Hub and a Sales Hub.

Also, HubSpot is the leading CMS on G2

HubSpot G2 Grid Scoring

Now that you understand what HubSpot is, let’s dive into the reasons why you should definitely go for HubSpot.  

10 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use HubSpot CMS

Well, to be honest, the list is endless, so let’s start with significant reasons why HubSpot CMS is a great fit for your business.

All-in-One CRM Platform

One of the unskippable reasons that make HubSpot unique is that it is an All-In-One tool for sales, marketing, support, operations, and business management teams, evolving dynamically in all directions. 

So, to understand that better, it’s important to mention that inbound marketing begins with quality traffic generation, and HubSpot CMS offers everything from website building tools where the technical team or marketers can create a responsive, fast, and clean website and also blog for their businesses. 

HubSpot offers plenty of tools for lead capturing, scoring, and lead nurturing using workflows and automatic emails. Below is the table provided that explains various tools which can be replaced while using HubSpot. 

Purpose Tools 
Website Development WordPress, Wix, Webflow, etc
Email Marketing and Marketing Automation MailChimp, Active Campaign, Marketo, etc
CRM Pipedrive, MS Dynamics, Salesforce, etc.
Customer Support and Live Chat Zendesk, Freshdesk, etc
Data Syncing and Connecting Systems Zapier, etc

Customer Relationship Management is a complex process, and the tools needed for this are numerous. As already explained, we need a CMS, an automation tool, a CRM, analytics software, an email marketing platform, etc., to streamline relationship management.

Precisely, they were effective, but as you can infer that distinct tools don’t communicate with each other and also can’t create an optimized experience for your team and your customers. 

Extensive Marketplace 

growing demand of HubSpot

The above-stated stats clearly outline the growing popularity of Hubspot among businesses.


Because HubSpot’s marketplace is quite exclusive and offers numerous options for third-party tools for different purposes, having nearly 1000+ integrations, you can maximize the potential of your technology stack. Besides, HubSpot’s App Marketplace provides the capability to connect your system to other tools and improve customer experience. 

The marketplace includes categories varying from Analytics, Webinars, e-commerce, Calling, SMS, LinkedIn, Invoicing, Project Management and Payroll, and the list goes on.

Zero-code Customizability 

Bracing why HubSpot is so popular and why more than 120,000 businesses have already started using HubSpot is because it’s an ideal choice for people who aren’t tech-savvy and have an easy learning curve. However, this also means that even a rookie can use it easily because of its numerous built-in tools and straightforward and intuitive settings options, which let you grow your business without using a development resource.

Software development or CRM/ERP customization development resources are expensive and hard to find and retain for small and medium-sized businesses. But in Hubspot, most of the customization can be easily managed without development team support, making it a lot easier to set up and maintain. 

Besides, one of the most significant advantages of Hubspot is a no-code for sales, operations, marketing, and support team, which eventually helps in several ways. 

First and foremost, as we discussed earlier, you don’t need a development team to support it, and your marketing team can keep up with the fast-paced market. Customizability based on A/B testing is crucial in scaling your business, and relying on the development team to create a different version of the landing page, email, or website page will make your marketing operations ineffective and inefficient.

Engaging and Clean User Interface

HubSpot offers Engaging and Clean User Interface

There is yet another reason why you should choose HubSpot is because of its engaging and clean user interface. 

When you design anything, whether it’s an app, website, or digital product, you want it to be easy to navigate for the user as users will not have the best, not even good, experience if the design of it is not intuitive or straightforward. 

Again, HubSpot comes to the rescue because of its user interface, cleanliness, and engagement giving it an advantage over several individual category leaders, e.g. Salesforce and MS Dynamic in CRM, WordPress in website building, and Zendesk in support.  

According to Harvard Business Review, approximately 90% of CRM implementations and adoption projects fail, and an interactive and clean interface is the deal-maker when it comes to the adoption of products.  

Another side of the coin is that you must trade-off between a clean interface and customizability in some scenarios. That’s why HubSpot does not provide customizability offered by Salesforce or WordPress-like tools though HubSpot maintains a good balance and still carries the benefits of the interface. 

Segmentation Is Easier Than Ever

Easy leads segmentation with HubSpot


You are familiar with the buzz "Inbound Marketing", especially if you are trying to sell your boss on the idea of integrating HubSpot's CMS Hub. 

If yes, then you would have heard of PERSONAS too. 

Personas are the semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers and roots in real-world research, interviews and anecdotal evidence from the sales team, managers and people within your company. 

You can have two or three core personas and choose the best to portray your customer mix. Personas seem to be a problematic nutcracker, but you can certainly make your own. However, it's the way HubSpot CMS hub uses this data that equally entices your boss' interest. 

And, once personas are defined and running on your CRM, you can set up different rules for the clutched database. 

Primarily, how did they tick to make them fit into your criteria? It could be by…

  • Viewing a specific page more than once.
  • Downloading a crucial element of content, e.g. case study or pricing guide.
  • Websites visited more than three times within a defined period.

Though, the choices are almost untold and allow you to add an excellent layer of context to the mass of email addresses you start to collect through your marketing. 

Trust me; this feature will help you reap many benefits as you'll quickly see the types of people your business interacts with and, more importantly, how these people react. Furthermore, you'll be able to promptly funnel into a group of people and see who interacts the most and uses your services, helping you define budget allocations and marketing efforts quickly.  

The bottom line is that ROI (Return On Investment) will improve as you invest your time in the most receptive element. 

Source Tracking 

It might come unexpectedly, but most businesses with an online presence still don’t really know where their traffic is coming from. 

Indeed, they may have proof that their Pay-Per-Click ads work wonders or that visitors seem to contact them after viewing a specific page. However, they are entirely in the dark when everything funnels to their traffic, leads and, notably, where sales come from.  

Easy source tracking with HubSpot


So, by understanding the origin of your website traffic and leads, you can easily plug any holes and keep the volumes consistent. And once you’ve mastered this skill, you can solely validate each source's quality. 

For instance, paid and organic sources may bring similar traffic numbers, but what if all your leads come from organic channels like social? 

Undoubtedly, review your paid strategy.  

Understanding source quality gives marketers a clear picture of where to focus their time. But, from a business perspective, it’s an exceptionally valuable tool to scope out the areas where the company marketing spends quickly should be allocated and what impact the investment made will reap.

Trusted Support 

HubSpot - A trusted support for your business

The image below clearly explains why teams admire HubSpot for their support.

“Trusted Support ” is an unskippable benefit of HubSpot, except for integrations and many others. However, this is equally crucial because this helps you to get the answer you need or get in touch with professionals across the globe who will help you with anything you require through community options. 

More explicitly, HubSpot offers chat, email, knowledge base, phone support, and community, making it easier for the teams to use but also get the most out of HubSpot’s products.

A Note: Presently, phone support is only offered in the English language, but chat service, callback and email support are available in different languages like Japanese, Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, and German to provide the support you need.

Personalized Structure 

“Customized Structure” is among the most crucial advantages of HubSpot CRM. It can be created based on your business requirements and customization in fields, pipelines, and associations. It can also be easily managed within HubSpot. 

HubSpot Consulting cta

The only exception is that there are some objects, like products and calls, but for quite a long time, HubSpot lacked the customizability to have custom objects in the system. But now, according to your business requirements, you can outline a custom object you need, create custom properties, and personalize the relationship between the custom object you created with other objects.

Without any doubt, the HubSpot Custom Objects feature proves to be a game-changing feature added in the pursuit of making HubSpot a forerunner in the CRM industry. 

Automated Tasks

Automated Tasks = Save (Time + Money)

HubSpot offers automated marketing solutions


Your teams have limited hours in a day, and consuming them in menial and repetitive tasks can become a real challenge, often leading to human errors. 

Here, HubSpot automates tasks and systems, ensuring your marketing, sales and customer service teams never have to worry about wasting time again. 

Let’s take workflow examples to have a better understanding. Workflows are a great example to portray the capabilities of what HubSpot can do in terms of automation. Importantly, this automation app is able to automate as much or as little of your marketing efforts according to your requirements, that too in a scalable and contextual way.

The excellent element of HubSpot workflows is that the system steps into the entire platform, allowing you to develop items like email lists that can be created on specific lead criteria. Also, HubSpot helps you to schedule optimal timing while keeping the sales funnel in mind. 

Social Media Marketing to the Next Level 

There’s no more denying, social media is everywhere and over the last few years, it has become a primary marketing channel. 

Popular social media platforms used by marketers


Though social media makes a crucial part of any inbound marketing strategy, it can be daunting in its execution, especially without constant engagement, posting and online social media interaction, your marketing efforts will be of no effect. 

So, to stay on top of your social media strategy, you must schedule your posts well ahead of time. Moreover, ensure they’ll be up and running when you work on what you do best - “Your Next Creative Campaign”. 

Hubspot is your one-stop solution to manage all of your social media platforms and simultaneously offers you a scheduling system that promises brilliant online visibility. Besides, you can create social media paid campaigns through the website and brand awareness campaigns through targeted and strategic lead generation campaigns. 

With all of these available in one place, your marketing team can easily manage the process making its execution successful and more accessible than ever before.  

HubSpot Sounds Pretty Amazing, right? 

Well, the news gets a lot better if you simultaneously juggle your business, marketing and customer support. HubSpot can save you time with the help of experts. 

While HubSpot is interactive, getting on top of your digital marketing game is still daunting for some. Fortunately, some forerunner companies have in-house HubSpot wizards who ensure you make the most of every HubSpot feature that’s right for you and your business. Especially, HubSpot’s excellent ecosystem and community, great customer support and user feedback became a must-have option for all growing technology companies. 

HubSpot CMS Development Services CTA

This is why choosing a tool growing in features will undoubtedly help your business long-term. 

Notably, Signity has expertise in using HubSpot for small businesses to widely emerged businesses, and we understand the nitty-gritty of using HubSpot to help your business take off!


 Shailza Kaushal

Shailza Kaushal

A Digital Marketing Strategist successfully growing the digital landscape of small businesses by creating result-oriented marketing strategies.