How to Clone and Move Workflow Actions?
Boost workflow efficiency in HubSpot by easily duplicating or shifting actions. Ideal for repetitive tasks with minor tweaks. Simplify complex processes with this feature.

Enhance workflow efficiency by duplicating or transferring actions. Simplify repetitive tasks with minimal adjustments.
For instance, clone a "Create Deal" action multiple times for location-based deals.
To Clone or transfer workflow actions:
- In your HubSpot account, go to Automation > Workflows.
- Choose a workflow or create a new one.
- Add a new action or find an existing one to clone or move.
- Beside the action, click Actions.
- To clone, hover over Clone. Choose This action to clone the selected one, or This action and all after it to clone everything ahead.
- To move, hover over Move. Choose This action to move the selected one, or This action and all after it to move everything ahead.
- Specify the location by clicking Place here.
- Confirm by clicking Save.
Note: Cloned if/then branches can only go at workflow endpoints.